Before going live, make sure that you have completed everything on this list.
- Readme and Contributing files are beautiful and public-facing.
- Launch version of REDCap has been exported as a Data Dictionary.
- PsychoPy experiment is available either on GitHub or the readme file inside GitHub includes a note that it will be released on GitLab after close of data collection.
- All code and data monitoring assets specific to the pilot data are moved into an “pilot” subfolder within their respective top-level folders (so that main study data may not reside loose in each folder).
- Data dictionaries for all questionnaire and tasks are organized in the repo.
- Central tracker data dictionary has been created.
- Data monitoring scripts have been set up.
- Survey queue has been fully tested.
- All screener questions and all questions involving identifiable data are marked as “Identifiers.”
- No user role has access to output identifiers.
- Only the appropriate lab members have access to the project.
- Consent matches IRB-approved language.
- Experiment has been fully tested.
- Only desired data points are included in the output CSV.
- The experiment name and output file names match data monitoring conventions.
If participants will complete an online behavioral task:
- Experiment has been fully tested online on multiple browsers.
- Pavlovia experiment is “Running” and has credits assigned.
- Mechanism by which participants access the task (likely via a link within REDCap) has been tested and properly outputs data with the participant ID (but no other identifiers).
- Study notebook includes launch date and any appropriate notes up to this point.
- If using a gDrive study tracker, the lab manager has moved it to the special area and removed access to all by the subset of lab members working on the project.
- All source data and derivatives specific to the pilot data are moved into an “pilot” subfolder within their respective top-level folders (so that main study data may not reside loose in each folder).
- Filing structure and nomenclature for all data files has been planned and confirmed to work with data monitoring processes.
- Protocol is finalized, approved by the IRB, and the PI has sat through as a mock participant under this final version of the protocol.
If participants are being recruited and compensated via SONA:
- Study is set up, approved, and active on SONA.