
All members of the NDCLab who will be involved in collecting participant data are required to complete specific training courses as part of their onboarding to the FIU Center for Children and Families (CCF). These required courses include two CITI training courses and the FIU course on HIPAA.

Members of the lab who will be actively involved in handling participant data (including its collection) are required to complete an additional CITI training course for approval by the FIU IRB.

Required for Study Personnel Interacting with Participants


  1. CITI Health Information Privacy and Security (HIPS) for Clinical Investigators (Stage 1 - HIPS) hips
  2. Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course (Stage 1 - RCR) rcr


  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) This course is on develop.fiu.edu. A link is provided by the CCF during the onboarding process to fulfill the HIPAA Requirement.

Required for Study Personnel Handling Participant Data


  1. Social/Behavioral Human Research Course (Stage 1 - Basic Course) basic-course

How to complete required certifications

CITI Courses

  1. Go to the CITI Training Website.
  2. Click on Register (if you are new to CITI) and search for FIU. Complete the registration.
  3. Log in and select Add a Course.
  4. Add each of course listed above. Only add the fourth (Basic Course) if you will be handling participants as part of a study protocol.
  5. Complete ALL required modules for each course.
  6. Send copies of your completion certificates (PDF format) for each course to ndclab@fiu.edu.

HIPAA Course

Follow the link in the e-mail sent by the CCF.